Friday, September 28, 2012

Quick Couplet

Thursday was a horrible day. I had some sort of stomach bug all day and was just miserable at work. Worried I came down with some sort of stomach flu, but I'm not sure. I was finally fine when I got home, so decided I'll try going to the gym since it was a pretty light day.

Front Squat 5x5 heaviest possible
Bar - 65x5 - 85x5 - 10x3 - then my 5x5 sets at 115

Really tried to focus on my butt wink here and getting rid of that. So I'm really engaging my core and twisting out my knees to make sure I don't butt wink. Felt great. Think I could've gone a little bit heavier, but with what I was focusing on I felt good about it.

Press est. 5RM
65x5 - 70x5 - 80x5

Wanted to get this in since I missed it last week and knew it was coming up tomorrow. And since I'm doing the hero wod tomorrow, wanted to get it in. I just guessed it would be around 80 given that my 1rm is 95. Last rep on the 5 was definitely well earned.

5 Rounds FT:
20 sit-ups
15 kb swings (53/35)

Again I was considering using the 44# KB, but with the hero wod tomorrow, I decided not to. This was a quick and easy couplet which is probably what I needed with how my stomach was feeling.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

No plan B

After a long hiatus, I'm back. I hope to be more regular with this.

My last post I mentioned that I was participating in a competition. For my first individual competition I finished in 4th!  Needless to say, I was pretty excited about that. I definitely learned a lot from that weekend.

The last few months in the gym have been a roller coaster and pretty much follows how everything else in my life has been. It's been a hard few months emotionally and mentally and that's played part in how I perform in the gym. One rep max week, two weeks ago, was horrendous. I literally wanted to quit. But I had to remind myself of everything else that is going on in my life and how it's all catching up to me.

I'm praying for good news to arrive towards the end of October/early November. Last night at counseling, she asked me, what if you don't get in to the nursing program, do you have a plan B? That scared me shitless. I've had a count down going for months. For months I've been waiting for the day that I'm finished with this job and moving on through the next chapter in my life. I'm getting into nursing school...there is no Plan B.

Yesterday was my first day back at the gym in a week. Between school on Monday/Wednesday and taking a trip to Boston to see my bro, SIL, and nephew..I hadn't been there in awhile. My trip to Boston was just what I needed as a refresher to regroup myself. But damn does it make me miss Jonas and them even more. Really sucks I can't see them as often as I'd like...

Anywho, back to the gym and that metcon really hurt my lungs. I"m coughing today like I've smoked for years. But the cleans felt great. And establishing a 5RM deadlift was fun. Hopefully I can make some progress in the DL area this cycle.

On top of all that, last Monday we started at 60 day challenge at the gym. It's strict paleo, and I'm happy to say I've been 100%. Even with the trip to Boston and all of the temptations. I'm feeling great and haven't really had any cravings, which is awesome. I haven't stepped on the scale, but I can already tell I'm down some by the way I feel. I'm super excited to see how everyone does in this challenge!