Monday, February 27, 2012

Open WOD 12.1

It's Open season and I couldn't be more excited. Everyone is chatting about it, strategizing, comparing scores, cheering each other on and so much more. It's just such a great thing to be involved in!

I did a little trial run with 12.1 on Thursday, my goal was 12 reps a round and rest the remaining part of the minute. I finished with 88 reps. So I made my goal for Sunday 100.

Open Wod 12.1
7:00 AMRAP of Burpees
*must touch object with both hands that is 6" above reach
*chest and hips much touch floor

Total reps = 100!

I decided to go in Heat 4 as all but the first one was filled up. And I sure didn't want to go in the first heat! I video taped the first round, counted for Jon in the second and cheered/warmed up in the third. Then it was my turn. My goal was 14 burpees a minute. My rounds looked like this: 16-14-14-14-13-14-15. I have to say I'm pretty happy with that. Minus the fact that I had a near Janet Jackson moment and my left boob was slowly popping out of my shirt and I had to readjust during the first minute or two. I still managed to stay on track. I think I could've broken 100 though if it wasn't for that incident. However, I'm glad to say I kept a steady pace throughout the entire 7:00. Obviously the 5th minute was the most difficult as I dipped under my goal, one short of 14. The last two minutes it was go big or go home. I just went for it. A steady pace and kept telling myself it's almost over, just keep throwing yourself on the ground! I somehow found a second gear in that last minute and managed to pull out 15 burpees.

This one was definitely a mental challenge, but I feel like I beat it. I made my goal. Kept a steady pace and came out on top. The most physically tired part of my body were my quads. they were definitely on fire when this was over!

One down, four more to go. Bring on 12.2!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Date with Cindy

For a special treat we did things a little different at Prevail. We threw 5 named WODS into a hat and the last person to show up to class was the bearer of bad news. They got to draw the named WOD that class would do. The 5 names were "Chelsea", "Kelly" with rowing instead of running, "Jackie", "Cindy", and "Barbara". Luckily no one picked Kelly, and lucky for me because there's no way my lungs would've handled that. Two classes enjoyed Jackie, two more enjoyed Barbara, and my class got to tackle Cindy.

Cindy was definitely the one I was rooting for, since I figured it would be the least difficult for me with still being sick. So here's how it went:

20:00 AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
15 rounds!!!!

I vividly remember the last time I did this at Fire. Tommy Mo came in to 'observe' during the class I was in and I remember him yelling at me for my push-ups and that I was snaking too much and weren't legit. I got 11 rounds + 28 reps with those bad push-ups.

This time I was determined to focus on my push-ups and make every rep count! Even though Tommy wasn't physically present....he was still there. haha.

I got through the first 3 rounds and felt great. My pull-ups were all unbroken, so at that point I made it a goal that no matter how many rounds I completed, I was going to do ALL my pull-ups unbroken. And I did just that!! This is a HUGE accomplisment for me. I think I've finally pushed through the mental block that I can only do 2-4 at a time when I get back to that bar. Chris said the height on them were great too and the best pull-ups he's seen me do in well...a year and a half! :)

First 2 rounds of push-ups were unbroken and felt great, but could tell those were going to disappear quickly. Every rounds the push-ups got more and more difficult. I would try and get at least 3-5 the first set every round, then it was 1's, 2's or 3's the rest of the sets. BUT, I made sure to keep my body rigid, not let me thighs touch the ground, and not snake it up. Tommy Mo, you would be proud of those push-ups! :)

Squats were the easy part of the wod, actually the pull-ups may have been equally as easy this time around. Because by the time I got to my squats, my quads were so tired from staying so tight and rigid on the push-ups. Pretty sure that's what gives out before my arms. ha. But all rounds of squats were smooth sailing, a nice steady pace and all unbroken.

Needless to say, I PR'd by just over 3 rounds since September. And this is while I'm sick and haven't woded in a week! So if I'm healthy I think I could get close to 17. Definitely the type of day I needed to lift my spirits!

Out of Commission

So last week I was out of commission. I came down with a terrible cold. Started feeling it the morning of super bowl Sunday and it progressively got worse as the week went on. I'm just now starting to feel almost 100%. I had the terrible congestion, sinus headache, sore throat, man voice, you name it. My voice is just starting to sound normal again and I'm coughing up less and less crap. So all is starting to look well...

I'm glad it was last week that I got sick and not next week or during the next 6 weeks. With the Open coming up, I need to be healthy and get some extra sleep. I really need to find some extra time to sleep... This week has been hard getting back into working out after taking a week off. I did nothing but strength two days last week and boy did I feel lost.

This last Monday I did a WOD that was a total breather without being sick, so that was definitely hard for me to complete. And I fell to the floor gasping for air at the end of it. I felt like I was breathing through one of those tiny straws you stir your coffee with!

Anyway, I'm glad I'm starting to get better so this next week I can build up some endurance again for the Open. The next 5 weeks are going to be exhilarating and I can't wait to see what they throw at us!

On a side note, before I got sick, I totally forgot to mention/got super busy and never blogged about it. BUT I got a 115# SNATCH PR!!! Woot! It felt amazing! I got 110 not that long ago and I was eager so I took a huge jump. I knew my technique was there, just needed to lock it out, stabilize and stand it up. I had two attempts before I nailed it where I just collapsed and lost all midline stabilization. So on my third and final attempt, I made sure to keep everything tight, lock it out and stand it up! What a rush that was! I was on a high for a couple days after that! LOVE that feeling! :)